First, activate the Line command from the ribbon. To learn how to make a line in a 3D sketch in Inventor, let’s start with the basics. How to make a line in an Inventor 3D Sketch

The Point command allows you to create points in 3D space that can be used to connect geometry in ways that wouldn’t be possible in a 2D sketch. Bend performs a function similar to a fillet for 2D sketches. There are two new commands available in the Inventor 3D sketching view: Bend and Point. Many of the same sketch tools are available in both sketching environments including lines, arcs, and splines. At first, not much will look different between the 2D sketching and 3D sketching environments. If you can get your base part and your converted part both set as a solid, then you just move them into position and use the “combine” action on the menu to make a single part.To begin an Inventor 3D sketch, simply click the Start 3D Sketch button on the ribbon. It prints fine, but if you ever do manage to get that particular piece imported, it ends up looking like a picasso painting.

A perfect example of one of those is the lulzbot AO-101 lower X end piece. You can try doing a repair in netfabb before importing the stl to fix that, but usually if it won’t import at that point its because whoever made the stl had something odd going on in their file. If it doesn’t convert properly it might still be a surface at that point.

If it converts properly, it will be a solid gray object just like the other solids. You want the “make this into a solid” button. The “make this into a surface” button is the one that is selected by default. So what happens is when you right click on the imported stl file and select “convert to base feature” you get a little tiny window with 2 buttons on it. Heh, I was just looking for where that was to post it, glad you found it.